2022 Goals
“Leave Your Doubt at the Door” - Bitty & Beau’s Coffee
2022 Goals:
Let’s Hit the “Refresh” Button
Feb. 17, 2022
The start of 2022 moved a bit quicker than we planned for. After a delayed (but exciting!) traveling experience flying back home to MA in late December, we were then met with military orders that brought Lucas down to South Carolina for 4 weeks.
To avoid paying rental car fees (for 4 weeks) out of our own pockets, Lucas and I drove our car down to Fort Jackson, SC from MA (all in one day!). I then flew home to spend 4 weeks with Sherbert, and well… no car.
Being stuck at home sure had its advantages and disadvantages, but needless to say, I was productive! I took some time to rest, the house has never been THAT clean (lol), and I also found the time to work on a project that I’ve been putting on the back burner… revamping my entire Genelyn Jaye website and travel blog!
After you’re done reading this, hope you take a moment to click around! :)
It might be February already, but let me take a moment to say - Happy 2022 everyone!
For this new year, I’m hoping to manifest a year of self-care and a higher focus on what simply sparks joy. I am hopeful for a year of more captured memories, more miles traveled, and an intense year of self-reflection and personal growth.
I know New Year's Resolutions aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I personally find them effective as long as you’re realistic with your goals. Ever since I was young, I’ve always been a very goal-oriented person, so creating goals for myself at the beginning of the year has been a great way to keep myself accountable to my personal growth. If you’re looking for ideas on simple goals to set for yourself this year -- keep on reading!
Resolution #1: Visit 5 New National Parks
I’m an avid National Park geek, and I am so embarrassed to admit that I didn’t visit a single new National Park in all of 2021… (Sure, I was busy buying a house and traveling to WA for our second wedding reception, and to Greece for our delayed honeymoon, but still).
My hope is to visit at least 5 new U.S. National Parks by the end of this year. In January, I was able to check Congaree National Park off the list, when we were in South Carolina. And I’m hopeful to also cross off Joshua Tree, Death Valley, Shenandoah, Acadia, and (ideally) even more!
My goal for 2022 is to prioritize exploration and wander, in order to remember how refreshing it is to unplug and spend time outdoors.
Resolution #2: Read 5 Books
So I epically failed this goal last year… so instead of a 12-book goal, let’s try to knock it down to 5. Wish me luck! ;)
My goal for 2022 is to remember how much I love reading, and to create time to relax and read a total of 5 books minimum.
Resolution #3: Reintegrate a Healthy Fitness Plan
The classic goal that almost everyone plans for, and the goal that didn’t sustain itself for very long in my daily routine last year (or the year before that…). To be very clear, the goal isn’t to maintain a certain weight goal, nor work on my mile time -- instead, I hope to reintegrate a healthy fitness plan. Whether that’s going for an outdoor walk everyday for 10 minutes, scheduling workout classes (virtual or gyms) 2-3 times a week, going for runs again, etc.
So far, this looks like going to the gym with Lucas at least twice a week to get on a treadmill. Ideally I’d like to run 2 miles every time, but even just to walk with an incline is a start! Building the habit of actually showing up is my first goal.
My goal for 2022 is to make sure I keep my body active and healthy!
Resolution #4: Cook Together Once a Month
Yes... I’m reviving another failed goal. I’d really and truly like to learn how to cook new dishes alongside Lucas this year. Whether it’s investing in a meal-prep plan like Hello Fresh or constantly watching Hell’s Kitchen for inspiration, I plan to encourage myself to get in the kitchen at least once a month to learn something new.
My goal for 2022 is to cook with my husband at least once a month (remember to date your spouse!).
Resolution #5: TRAVEL (+ SHARE about the journey)
2020 and even a bit of 2021 slowed down my travel plans, so I’m really hoping to pick up where I left off in 2022. Banff, Italy, Alaska, Australia, Las Vegas… the travel dreams are only growing, so I better get started on booking those flights! :)
…In addition to booking those trips, I very much plan to document all of them. Expect to see a YouTube video or blog post from me at least once a week! Let’s travel together! :)
My goal for 2022 is to travel somewhere new at least once a month (a road trip, a flight, a train ride, anything!).
Annnd that's a wrap!
Cheers to taking a moment of pause in January to reevaluate priorities for the year. I am so excited for my revamped Travel Blog and all the fresh goals I have set for myself this year (both professionally and personally!). At 26, I’d like to think that I’ve spent the last few years hustling through college and work… I’m looking forward to a year filled with more joy.
Stay tuned for how it all plays out!
Although not extravagant, I hope these goals are relatable and will inspire you to set some reasonable goals for yourself too! Let’s manifest some positive and healthy energy this year!
If we have similar goals, PLEASE feel free to reach out to me directly or comment below! I’d love to hear about what you hope for yourself in 2022 and maybe we can cheer each other on along the way. No matter what goals you’ve set for yourself, always remember that progress takes time, and anything is possible once you set your mind to it! :)
Cheers to a New Year and a Fresh Start!